Our Vision
To be a key vehicle for expanding trade investment opportunities between Nigeria and the United States of America in the interest of its members and both countries.
Our Mission
To support sustainable socio-economic reform initiatives in Nigeria through public policy advocacy, promotion and implementation.
Our Objectives
To promote the development of commerce and investments between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Our Mission
To support sustainable socio-economic reform initiative in Nigeria through public policy advocacy, promotion and implementation.
Our Vision
To be a key vehicle for expanding trade investment opportunities between Nigeria and the United States of America in the interest of its members and both countries.
Our Objectives
To promote the development of commerce and investments between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

A General Meeting of US Companies doing business in Nigeria in May 2005, unanimously endorsed the need for an American Business Council (ABC) which, operating like a “think tank”, will focus on policy issues and practical implementation steps in support of Nigerian public and private sector leadership as well as ongoing reform initiatives in the country. It is designed to bring ABC’s Nigerian based resources combined with the US support, to bear on selected issues and reform initiatives that show potential for WIN/WIN results in Nigeria’s quest for stable economic development. It is envisioned that ABC will make a significant impact on the investment environment and Nigeria’s future economic development.
The American Business Council Ltd/Gte, which is also an affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce, was incorporated by the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission in February, 2007, as a non-profit making company limited by guarantee.

To promote the development of commerce and investments between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
To provide a forum in which American business executives in Nigeria and other business executives with American interests may identify, discuss, pursue common interests affecting their activities.
To liaise with the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and other chambers of commerce and institutions pursuing similar objects, and to advocate the views of the American business community in Nigeria to public and private interests in the United States and Nigeria.
To work with individuals and organizations in Nigeria or elsewhere on matters of mutual interest.
To create awareness of Nigeria’s business and investment opportunities in the United States and among the American business community in Nigeria.
To champion the promotion of free trade in goods and services and removal of trade barriers between Nigeria and the United States and use its best endeavours to influence United States policies and laws affecting business in Nigeria;
To develop programmes for capacity building and human capital development in Nigeria through such initiatives as structured institutional, communal and individual donation of funds, skills, tools, equipment and materials to the educational, health and other sectors involved in the socio-economic development of Nigeria