American Business Council is the voice of American Businesses in Nigeria with membership of over 80 US companies. The affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce in Nigeria, the American Business Council has become a powerful advocacy instrument for the Nigerian private sector. Incorporated in February 2007, ABC is a key vehicle for expanding trade and investment opportunities between Nigeria and the United States of America in the interest of its member companies and both countries.

Business Advocacy
We create strategic engagement and partnerships with relevant stakeholders on policy, legal and regulatory issues that will improve the ease of doing business.

Business Leadership
We are a think-tank that also champions the promotion of free trade in goods and
services, removal of trade barriers, quality standards, bilateral skills and capacity transfer between Nigeria and the United States.

Value Creation
We create value propositions for businesses through provision of information and opportunities for engagement and networking to support business growth.

Business Development
We support the growth of member companies and US businesses by providing sector specific market & business insights, intelligence reports and advisory services.

Trade and Investment
We are committed to continually shaping current and future U.S. – Nigeria trade and investment for mutual economic growth and prosperity.
Uzo Obienu (Partner in KPMG)

Funmi Ogunlesi (Director, Citibank)
Chijioke Uwaegbute (Partner in PwC)